Mission Statement
The mission of the John and Annie Glenn Museum is to honor the lives of John and Annie Glenn and their hometown roots. Additionally, to serve as an educational center; to collect a museum of articles of historical and educational interest and significance; and to preserve these intact for future generations.

What to expect
Tours take an hour on average but this timing can change depending on the visitor's level of interest.
A tour starts with a short film about John and Annie Glenn that features John's visit to the museum and all of the nostalgic stories he told.
Next, guests get to travel back in time to either 1937 during the Great Depression, 1944 during World War II, or 1962 during the Space Race. Our time periods alternate every two years so repeat guests will experience a range of experiences. A period actor will invite guests into the home as if they are old friends stopping by to visit the Glenn family. Throughout the visit, guests will experience social, cultural, and political connections to the past that impact modern day.
The top floor of the museum includes John's bedroom that is staged as it was when he was 16 years old. Guests get to see the place in which John's dreams of aviation were born.
The final stop on our tour is our formal galleries, including the Annie Gallery. This room is dedicated to Annie (Castor) Glenn. The exhibits include hand written notes from her speech therapy, family artifacts such has her grandmother's turn of the century wedding dress, and lovely gifts that she and John exchanged throughtout their marriage.